Oliens Are Coming!!!

3 min readMay 10, 2022

Do you believe Aliens exist? If so, where are they?

Have they flown to earth till this day?

What’s been going on at Area-51?

If you’re as curious as we are about all the things above then you should know, that we’re trying to gather an enthusiast community interested in such information and to have many adventures along the way.

So to take this step forward, to both build a community and implement our ideas together, what better platform than Blockchain?

What better proof of presence in the community than NFT?

So let’s just cut to the chase, we’re here to launch the Oliens collection.

General info

Oliens is our first set of collections from our major project “Ospace” (the roadmap & info regarding this project will be announced in the near future). For the Ospace project, we needed different preliminaries and collections puzzled together, so we decided to get to the Ospace project by putting them together, instead of bringing it up first and then introducing the details.

Oliens is created from 3333 unique NFTs based on Optimism Blockchain with each one of them containing different set of traits and specifications.

Since this will be the first collection of the Ospace project, its owners will receive benefits and priorities which will be announced soon.

Mint Info — Wen Mint?

It is & will be important to us to have a community filled with people interested in such information regarding Aliens and seeking numerous adventures, Giving this fact we decided to dedicate most of the NFTs (more than 66%) for FREE (Free Mint) to the members with most engagement, activity and cooperation to the community, which are called the OG or Community Whitelist role, and the remaining NFTs will be given to active people with only 25% of the Public Mint Price as the Whitelist role.

If any NFTs were left after the minting phases of the 3 groups above, the remaining NFTs will go Public at the Public Mint phase for everyone to mint their aliens.

Have this in mind that people with the OG role have access to mint more NFTs than others. The OG role is given to people having great cooperation to the project or either helped the project and the community go big throughout the way.

*The minting price is listed below:*

First minting period(OG): free mint NFTs

Second minting period(Community Whitelist): 1 free mint NFT per wallet

Third minting period(Whitelist): 1 NFT priced at 25$ ETH per wallet

Fourth minting period(Public Mint): 5 NFTs priced at 100$ ETH per wallet

*The minting Date will be announced closer to launch.*

Finally, as mentioned above, the purpose of this project is not just speculation, other exciting news and details are on the way. So follow us on social media and patiently wait for further announcements… stay tuned.

Oliens are coming!!!

Links to social :

Twitter : https://twitter.com/OliensNFT

Medium : oliensnft.medium.com

